Sobhan Mohmand, Career Expert
27 Feb 2020
Mr Kevin Clarkson
Head of Marketing
99 Windmill Street
Dear Mr Clarkson,
Re: Public Relations Officer (Job ID: #A122)
I was really enthusiastic when I saw your job advertisement for the position of PR Officer on my University website.
I believe I am the ideal candidate for this role for many reasons. I have a degree in Business Management, and therefore I have gained many relevant skills which are necessary to succeed in this role. I have developed fantastic communication skills which are necessary to communicate with clients successfully. Furthermore, I have a high level of written English which is vital in the PR field; my writing ability has been strengthened both through my degree and through my voluntary role as Editor for the student magazine at my University. My busy schedule has taught me to prioritise and enabled me to multitask in demanding situations and, therefore, I feel as though I would flourish in this role.
I met an employee of your company PR-Pro recently at a recruitment event at my University. I was intrigued by your level of success despite being a relatively new company. I believe I have the relevant skills and qualifications to enable me to become a fantastic asset to your company and I would love to be given the opportunity to help PR-Pro maintain the positive reputation they have while aiding the company in their expansion.
I have attached my CV for your consideration. I am freely available for the next two months for interviews. I look forward to hearing from you!
Yours sincerely,
~ Signature goes here ~
Jessica King.