A Winning Ecologist CV Example [2024 Guide + Tips] - CV Plaza

Ecologist CV Example [2024 Guide + Tips]

author Sobhan Mohmand, CV Writing Expert         date 26 Oct 2023

Are you looking to write your perfect Ecologist CV?

Ecologists play a vital role in understanding and preserving our natural world.

To secure a job in this field, a well-crafted CV is essential. It’s your first opportunity to showcase your qualifications, experience and achievements to employers.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step and offer practical tips to help you create a winning CV that will get noticed. Let’s get started!

Table of contents

CV Example

Nathan Mackenzie

22 Albertson Street
HA31 8TP
Mob: 079 3455 6454       Email: [email protected]

Personal profile statement

I am a dedicated, hardworking highly skilled Ecologist with extensive experience in, and enthusiasm for, carrying out fieldwork. In my current job, my key duties include conducting surveys of protected habitats, classifying species, environmental monitoring and writing scientific reports. I have always been passionate about ecology, and I possess an in-depth knowledge of ecosystems and specialise in amphibious organisms. I always endeavour to conduct my research in a manner that respects the environment and the organisms that inhabit it.

  • First-class degree in Ecology and Environment from Liverpool University
  • Over two years of practical experience working as an ecologist in an academic institution
  • Actively involved in a range of conservation projects and environmental charity work

2010 – 2013BSc Ecology and EnvironmentLiverpool UniversityGrade achieved: [1:1]

Relevant Modules:

  • Habitat and Species Conservation (77%)
  • Climate Change (68%)
  • Marine Biology (74%)
  • Environmental Sustainability (69%)
  • Individual Project (72%)

2008 – 2010
Results: Biology: A Chemistry: B Sociology: B
A LevelsLiverpool College
2002 – 2008
Results: 11 GCSEs at Grades A*- C, including Maths and English.
GCSEsLiverpool Academy

Work experience
Jan 2014 – PresentEcologist         Liverpool University

Main duties performed:

  • Travelling to multiple sites across East England and Scotland
  • Working long unsociable hours in remote areas across the country
  • Conducting fieldwork and surveys to document the number and spread of various species, according to tested ecological sampling techniques
  • Analysing ecological data using specialist computer software, writing various types of scientific reports and advising on conservation efforts
  • Surveying of protected species, including bats, birds, mammals and reptiles
  • Identifying and categorising organisms according to a taxonomy
  • Conducting ecological research for academic journals
  • Collecting and interpreting data from sites of potential development
  • Advising on environmental regulations and legal matters
  • Giving advice to the public regarding environmental issues
  • Writing client reports outlining survey findings and recommendations
  • Regularly liaising with local councils, landowners, NGOs and clients
  • Ensuring that all team members are adequately trained and supported

Sept 2012 – Nov 2013Environmental Consultant       The Green Project

Main duties performed:

  • Assessed the environmental impact and sustainability of new development projects
  • Carried out field research and surveys to collect ecological data on pollution levels
  • Analysed field data and interpreted results to assess the environmental impact of new developments
  • Assessed the environmental impact of previous developments on sites of interest to clients
  • Liaised with clients to advise on land purchases and conservation efforts
  • Advised on environmental law and local government regulations

  • CIEH Level 3 Award in Environmental Management
  • Acorn Great Crested Newt Ecology and Surveying course (1 day)

  • Excellent communication skills with an ability to liaise effectively with clients, local councils and the wider public
  • Advanced IT skills, demonstrated in familiarity with a range of specialist software, equipment and data analysis tools
  • In-depth knowledge of amphibious species in addition to a comprehensive understanding of environmental law
  • Highly committed, reflected in a passion for conservation and habitat maintenance
  • A natural leader, demonstrated in the ability to oversee research projects and work effectively as the head of a team
  • Strong management skills, comfortable organising large-scale fieldwork projects and ecological surveys

Hobbies and interests

In my spare time, I am actively engaged in some conservation projects, and I regularly volunteer for environmental charity campaigns and fundraising events. In addition to my professional academic research, I also write a number of articles for an environmental blog which currently receives 10,000 visitors a month.


Mr Jack Flanders
Senior Ecologist, Liverpool University
Address: 7 Field Rd, Dorset, DK8 7DU
Tel: 0753 6573 8953
Email: [email protected]
Mr Omar Khaleel
Director, the Green Project
Address: 9 Crib St, Leeds, L70 3KL
Tel: 0745 6753 7975
Email: [email protected]


Ecologist CV

Ecologist CV template 2

What makes this CV good and effective?

  • Accessible personal details: The candidate’s contact information is clear and easily accessible at the top of the CV. This is important because employers are busy people and don’t have time to look through the whole document to find the applicant’s contact details.
  • A strong personal profile: The personal profile is concise yet informative, providing a snapshot of the candidate’s dedication to ecology and their career objectives. It contains examples of their expertise and research areas, closely aligning with the requirements of the job.
  • Good structure and layout: The CV is well-structured with clearly defined sections, making it easy to navigate. The font size of the headings is larger than the main text, making them stand out. This is useful because employers first need to find the relevant sections before they look for the detailed information that they need. The layout is also clean and professional, enhancing the overall readability of the CV.
  • Omission of irrelevant details: The CV avoids including unrelated work experiences or excessive personal information, keeping the focus on ecological expertise.

Download CV template

CV template

How to format your CV

  • Utilise an appropriate font and font size: Choose a professional, easy-to-read font that will make your CV more appealing to employers. There are many good fonts you can choose from, including Ariel, Verdana, Tahoma, Garamond, Times New Roman and Georgia. Use a font size between 10 and 12 for the main content, headings can be slightly larger, e.g., 14-16.
  • Incorporate action verbs: Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb to convey your accomplishments, e.g. “Led research on wetland restoration projects.” These verbs, known as power words, make the statements on your CV more impactful.
  • No graphics or images: Avoid using graphics, logos and images on your CV as they clutter your CV and make it look unprofessional, in addition to legal concerns that may arise. You should also avoid using colour.
  • Maintain appropriate margins: Some applicants mistakenly adjust the margins of their CVs to fit in as much information as possible on one or two pages of their CVs. This is not a good idea because it makes the CV look cluttered, text-dense and causes formatting issues when the CV is printed. Instead of messing with the margins of the document, you should omit irrelevant personal details and outdated information instead.
  • Save in PDF format: Save your CV as a PDF to preserve its formatting when sending it electronically.

How to write an Ecologist CV

Personal information

The “personal information” section includes your essential information about yourself; full name, contact information (address, phone number, email), and may also include additional details like a LinkedIn profile or professional website.

This section helps potential employers get in touch with you easily and is usually placed at the top of your CV for quick reference.

Never include irrelevant personal details such as date of birth, marital status, number of children, gender, nationality and previous salary. These practices are outdated and could open the doors of discrimination against you.

  • Katie Sanders
  • 789 Oak Road Birmingham, B5 5ZZ
  • Mob: 0555 555 5555      Email: [email protected]

Profile statement

The personal statement on your CV is a brief but crucial introduction to who you are as a professional. It’s your chance to highlight your key skills, experiences and career goals in a way that grabs the employer’s attention and gives them a clear idea of what you can offer to their organisation.


  • Brief introduction: Keep it concise, usually 2-3 sentences.
  • Highlight key skills: Mention your core skills and strengths.
  • Relevance to the Job: Tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for.
  • Be engaging: Write in a way that makes the employer want to keep reading your CV.

Ecologist personal profile example:

Experienced Ecologist with a proven track record in biodiversity conservation and habitat restoration. Led a team in a successful wetland revitalisation project, increasing wildlife diversity by 20%. Committed to sustainable land management practices and eager to contribute expertise to further environmental preservation initiatives.


The achievements section of your CV should be a bullet-pointed list of your most significant accomplishments, such as awards, promotions and successful projects.

Read more: Examples of achievements to put on a CV.

  • Published research in a peer-reviewed journal on the effects of soil microorganisms on nutrient cycling.
  • Led a team in assessing soil contamination on a major construction project, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Graduated with a First-Class Honours degree in Soil Science.
  • Achieved top scores in coursework related to soil chemistry, microbiology, and geology.

Professional work experience

In your CV’s professional work experience section, detail your job history with a focus on job titles, company names, dates, responsibilities and achievements, using action verbs and quantifiable results to highlight your contributions.

This section is highly important because it provides a detailed account of your relevant work history and achievements, demonstrating to potential employers your qualifications and suitability for the job, making it worth the time and effort to perfect.

Read more: How to write the education section of a CV.

June 2022 – Present Senior Ecologist         GreenEarth Environmental Solutions

Main duties and responsibilities performed:

  • Conducted comprehensive ecological surveys and assessments in various habitats, including woodlands, wetlands and grasslands.
  • Led a team in a successful habitat restoration project resulting in a 30% increase in biodiversity.
  • Developed and implemented sustainable land management strategies to mitigate environmental impact on construction projects.
  • Collaborated with government agencies and local communities to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and standards.
  • Achievements: Orchestrated a habitat restoration initiative that significantly improved local biodiversity, earning recognition from the Wildlife Preservation Society.

Ecologist duties to add to your CV

  • Conduct ecological surveys to assess the health and diversity of ecosystems.
  • Collect and analyse soil, water and plant samples to monitor environmental conditions.
  • Develop and implement habitat restoration and conservation plans.
  • Evaluate the impact of construction and development projects on local ecosystems.
  • Provide expert advice on ecological best practices to minimize environmental impact.
  • Identify and document plant and animal species, including those at risk or in need of protection.
  • Conduct environmental impact assessments for proposed land use and development.
  • Educate the public and stakeholders on the importance of ecological conservation.


The education section of your CV should be presented in reverse chronological order; listing your most recent qualifications first and working backwards in time.

Include the type of qualifications you’ve earned, such as undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, A-levels, GCSEs, diplomas, and relevant certifications.

For each qualification, provide the name of the university or educational institution, the degree or certificate obtained and the completion date.

Note: If you have a degree, you don’t need to include school-level qualifications such as GCSEs.

September 2015 – July 2019 Bachelor of Science in Ecology Greenfield UniversityDegree classification: First Class Honours.

Subjects studied:

  • Conservation Biology
  • Environmental Science
  • Habitat Restoration
  • Soil and Water Management
  • September 2013 – June 2015
    Results: Biology (A), Chemistry (B) and Geography (A).
    A-Levels Hillside College


In addition to your formal qualifications, you might have completed professional training courses. If that’s the case, you can incorporate them in this section.

  • Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Environmental Conservation – The Open University
  • Professional Certificate in Ecological Field Techniques – Earth Sciences Institute
  • Wildlife Management and Conservation Diploma – EcoTraining Institute

Skills and competencies

The skills section of your CV is where you highlight your specific competencies and proficiencies that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Here, you can include competencies such as ecological surveying, data analysis, habitat restoration, soil and water analysis and biodiversity conservation, which demonstrate your qualifications and expertise in the field.

You should also include some soft skills, like teamwork, communication and problem-solving, as they complement your technical abilities and enhance your suitability for the role.

  • Ecological surveying: Proficient in conducting ecological surveys to assess and monitor wildlife populations, as demonstrated in a comprehensive study of local bird species’ migration patterns.
  • Data analysis: Skilled in data analysis, including statistical methods, data visualization and environmental impact assessment, as showcased in various reports and research projects.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Effective in engaging with stakeholders, including government agencies and local communities, in a collaborative wetland preservation initiative that gained community support.

Useful ecologist skills to add to your CV

  • Environmental impact assessment: Knowledge of evaluating and mitigating the impact of human activities on the environment.
  • Habitat restoration: Experience in planning and executing projects to restore and conserve natural habitats.
  • Ecological surveying: Proficiency in conducting surveys to assess and monitor wildlife populations and ecosystems.
  • GIS and mapping tools: Proficiency in using Geographic Information Systems for spatial analysis and mapping.
  • Communication: Effective communication of ecological findings and recommendations to various audiences.
  • Species identification: Knowledge of identifying and cataloguing plant and animal species.
  • Vegetation surveys: Proficiency in assessing and monitoring vegetation in ecosystems.
  • Wildlife tracking: Skill in tracking and monitoring wildlife movements and behaviours.
  • Environmental policy knowledge: Familiarity with environmental laws and regulations.
  • Scientific research: Experience in designing and conducting ecological research studies.

Hobbies and interests (optional)

The “Hobbies and Interests” section of a CV provides a glimpse into your personal interests and activities outside of work.

Whether to include it on an ecologist’s CV depends on the relevance of your hobbies and interests to the position.

If your hobbies are related to ecology, conservation or relevant skills, they can demonstrate your passion for the field. For example, mentioning activities like volunteering for environmental organisations or participating in outdoor activities can add value to your CV.

However, if your hobbies are unrelated or do not contribute to your professional image, it may be best to omit this section. You should also omit this section if you have substantial work experience as that will be sufficient.

Outside of my ecological work, I am an avid hiker and wildlife photographer, which allows me to continually engage with and appreciate the natural world. I also volunteer with local environmental organisations, contributing to the preservation of our ecosystems and biodiversity.

Professional references

In this final section of your CV, you include details of individuals who can confirm your qualifications and character, often past employers, professors or professional contacts.


  • Include 2 professional references.
  • Provide their name, job title, organisation, email and phone.
  • Seek their permission and ensure their availability to serve as references.
  • You can also write “Available upon request.”

Rebecca Evans
Senior Ecologist, Green Earth Conservation
Address: 45 Greenfield Road, London, EC1X 0YY
Tel: 01234 567 890
Email: [email protected]
Ellie Vincent
Professor of Ecology, Greenfield University
Address: 89 Biodiversity Lane, Birmingham, B5 5ZZ
Tel: 0555 555 5555
Email: [email protected]

Tips to make your CV more effective

  • Quantify results: Whenever possible, quantify achievements, such as “Increased species diversity by 25%” or “Reduced soil contamination by 15%.”. Research has shown that achievement-focused CVs are three times more likely to be shortlisted for interviews.
  • Highlight ecological surveying: State your proficiency in conducting a variety of ecological surveys. Mention the specific types of surveys you’ve undertaken, such as biodiversity assessments, vegetation surveys, or wildlife monitoring. Provide examples of the environments you’ve surveyed, whether it’s wetlands, forests, or grasslands. This showcases your hands-on experience in assessing and monitoring ecosystems, which is a fundamental skill for Ecologists.
  • Use industry jargon: Utilise industry-specific terminology to demonstrate your expertise, like referencing key ecological concepts and theories. This will not only reassure the employers that you are an expert in the field, but it will also pass the screening of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
  • Incorporate ecological publications: Reference any research papers or ecological publications you’ve authored or contributed to, highlighting your expertise.

Written by Sobhan Mohmand
Sobhan is a qualified Careers Advisor and Professional CV Writer with over 10 years of experience in helping job seekers get a job. He is a Member of the Careers Development Institute (CDI) and is listed on the official UK Register of Career Development Professionals. He holds a Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development (QCF).


    £20.000 – £40.000
    Degree and Relevant Work Experience
    37+ hours per week


  • Scientific Method
    Possessing strong knowledge of science and the scientific methods
  • Writing Skills
    Excellent writing skills to write clear and concise scientific reports
  • Observation Skills
    Excellent observation skills when carrying out fieldwork
  • Computing Skills
    Using a computer to record, amend, analyse or retrieve data and information
  • Analytical Skills
    Having a logical and analytical approach to investigations
  • Research
    Ability to search and examine a matter in a focused manner

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